Day planner Logo

The vision document outlines some of the ideas behind Day Planner and
what one might expect to see in the future from Day Planner


Day Planner is under continous development. If you are a perl programmer, artist, translator or tester you are welcome to join us. You can submit patches to our issue tracker or fork Day Planner on github and submit a pull request, join our irc channel (#dayplanner on or just contact us directly. Use the git repository of Day Planner for development.

Feature requests

You can use our issue tracker to submit feature requests.

Plugin API

Day Planner 0.10 and later has a plugin API that can be used to easily extend Day Planner without having to patch the source.

git repository

See our git information page for information about the Day Planner git repository

Copyright © Eskild Hustvedt 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2020
Artwork Copyright © Jason Holland 2006
Some parts of the website design used with the permission of Isak Savo
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3